Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Week 2 Day One August 30:Life Safari Day

Today we focused on John Strelecky's book Life Safari. A poll was given to the Palmetto Writers on their opinion of the book. Eighteen students responded to the poll.

The author of Life Safari is coming to speak to the first-year students on September 9th and will be taking questions from the audience, so here are the Palmetto Writers' questions.

Composition 1101 Fall 2011
Life Safari Questions

Work in your group and have the writer write 4 questions you want to ask John Strelecky when he comes on Friday, September 9th to FGCU.

1. Which other writers or people have influenced you with regard to your writing career?
2. Why did you choose Africa to write about?
3. What are your Big 5s in life?
4. You don’t spend much time writing your books. What is the big rush?
5. Is your character Ma Ma Gombe based on someone you met or knew in your travels through Africa?
6. Is there one thing you wish you had done during your travels through Africa?
7. How autobiographical is Life Safari? What parts were true and what parts were made up?
8. How are you and your character Jack similar? How are you different?
9. You said you wrote the Why Cafe in 21 days. How long did it take you to write Life Safari?
10. Did you actually see poachers while you were in Africa?
11. Who are your “Whos” for your big 5 in life. In other words, which 5 people would you like to sit down with over dinner and talk to before you die?
12. How much of the book is fact vs. fiction?
13. How many of your Big 5s have you accomplished so far?
14. What advice would you give to someone who is passionate about pursuing something as a career but doesn’t have the skills or talent to make it in that career?
15. In your biography, it states that the lowest point in your life was when you applied and was denied admittance to Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University.
16. Are you concentrating more on writing non-fiction than fiction these days?
17. What advice would you give someone who wants to write a Number 1 bestselling book.
18. What happened with the option for television rights to your first book, The Why Cafe? With the premise for the show to be a reality program with you as the host, why did you decide to re-acquire the rights?
19. You seem to do a lot of charitable work, like using your books to raise funds for Habitat for Humanity, the Ovarian Cancer Society, Caribbean Conservation Corportation, and the Water is Life International. Why did you choose these particular charities?
20. How are you doing on your pledge with Tim Brownson to give away one million copies of your book How to Be Rich and Happy to people in need? How are you identifying these people and is this target population going to be people in the States in need?

The Palmetto Writers then worked in pairs on an article by Strelecky called, Ten Tips for Living the Life of Your Dreams. Volunteers came up to the front to share their paragraphs and a discussion followed.

Students were then asked to critically evaluate one tip using the following questions:
1. Write the tip.
2. Explain what the tip means.
3. Do you agree with the advice? Why or why not?
4. Give an example from your own lives in which you followed or did not follow the tip.

Brittany and Mal had this to say about not letting fear control your life.
Tip #2: Fear is a terrible thing, dont let it control your life. If you let fear control your life, you will never accomplish your goals or be successful. We agree with the advice because if you are living by fear, you will never give your full potential in life. We were both scared to come to FGCU because we didnt know anyone. We overcame our fear and moved on to the next step in our life. If we never came, because of our fear, we wouldnt have moved on.

Melanie and Scott tackled Tip 4: Realize something is fulfilling because you decide it is fulfilling, not because someone else tells you it is.
Do things because you want to do them.  Be true to yourself first. Do not let someone dictate your own life. Make decisions for yourself and choose the things you want to do based on your own beliefs.  Be true to your core mission and what is important to you.  Don't give into peer pressure, advertisements or today's popular opinion, rely on your foundation of what you believe, why you believe it and why it is important to you.

We agree with the advice because a lifetime of honesty is more important than a moment of pleasure.

When choosing a college my parents wanted me to be a pharmacist, I didn't't want to disappoint them, so i applied to many colleges with Pharmaceutical Studies.  When it came time to go, I decided that was not for me and now I am here.
Realizing after changes and phases of life prompt you to take action to fulfill your dreams before the big dirt nap.

The lesson went well except for the Google document that was to be used for collecting the questions to Strelecky. It was not set for everyone to edit. I checked the setting and saw it was View only. Yikes!

I told the students they would be using Google docs for their peer review of their Paper 2 and Paper 3. I had a lot of success with my students last semester in my Virtual Comp class using Google docs, so I am confident that they will love it. 

The group is active and lively, so I am looking forward to another week with my Palmetto Writers. 


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Week 1 With the Palmetto Writers: Speed Dating and Wordles

 Dear Readers,

Week 1 of Composition 1101 started out with a bang. All 25 of my Palmetto Writers showed up ready to rock and roll.

Our icebreaker activity began with a activity based on speed dating. Each pair had two minutes to interview one another answering questions like the following:

1. What is your most treasured possession?
2. What is your all-time favorite book?
3. What is the one thing you would most like me to know about you?
4. What was your most memorable event in high school?

The class was chatty and alive. We spent some time going over the syllabus and learning outcomes and had a brief introduction to Angel. This group is awesome!!

On Day 2, the students worked in pairs on developing a paragraph on what it means to be a critical reader or a critical thinker. The students than transposed their written words into a word cloud, or Wordle.

We had some failures due to the technology, but about 80% of the students got their Wordles to work. After class, I got the IT folks over to take a look at why my videos and Wordles were not showing up. We finally installed Firefox and all seems good now.

Here is Brittany and Nicole's Winning Wordle on being a critical thinker.