Sunday, August 28, 2011

Week 1 With the Palmetto Writers: Speed Dating and Wordles

 Dear Readers,

Week 1 of Composition 1101 started out with a bang. All 25 of my Palmetto Writers showed up ready to rock and roll.

Our icebreaker activity began with a activity based on speed dating. Each pair had two minutes to interview one another answering questions like the following:

1. What is your most treasured possession?
2. What is your all-time favorite book?
3. What is the one thing you would most like me to know about you?
4. What was your most memorable event in high school?

The class was chatty and alive. We spent some time going over the syllabus and learning outcomes and had a brief introduction to Angel. This group is awesome!!

On Day 2, the students worked in pairs on developing a paragraph on what it means to be a critical reader or a critical thinker. The students than transposed their written words into a word cloud, or Wordle.

We had some failures due to the technology, but about 80% of the students got their Wordles to work. After class, I got the IT folks over to take a look at why my videos and Wordles were not showing up. We finally installed Firefox and all seems good now.

Here is Brittany and Nicole's Winning Wordle on being a critical thinker.

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