Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Week 3 Day 1: Showing vs. Telling Day

Do you remember when you were in kindergarten and there was Show and Tell Day? Well, the Palmetto Writers worked on the difference between showing and telling in descriptive writing.

They came to class having read these two articles on showing vs. telling in writing and then were set to task to read two articles on how to show rather than tell in writing.

Check out these links to articles and test your knowledge of the difference between showing and telling.  Show vs. Tell Article 1 

Show vs. Tell Article 2 

Now it is my turn to brag about the Palmetto Writers who turned the following sentences from telling to showing. This is one group's sentences.

This contribution is from Bryan, Conner C, Jake, and Reid

1a. TELL: Jack had an argument with his wife.
1b. SHOW: Jack’s voice was becoming louder than the radio in the other room. As he screamed words never heard by his wife, Jack became something of a monster. His face was red hot and the vein in his neck was protruding out farther than it has ever before.

2a. TELL: Jack fell off a scaffold and seriously injured himself.
2b. SHOW: Jack lost his balance on a rickety scaffold and began to flap his arms violently as he tried to regain his center of balance. Failing to do so, he yelped and plummeted to the ground. The people around him gasped as they gaped at the six-foot man ungracefully flailing from his perch. As he crashed to the ground, the gathering crowd heard a loud crack as if Barry Bonds had just hit a home run.

3a. TELL: Jack was worried about the upcoming biology test.
3b. SHOW: Palms sweaty and head throbbing, Jack tried to cram 250 pages of incomprehensible text into his brain for his upcoming biology test. Tick-tock goes the clock. 3 a.m. in the morning and not even his Red Bull will keep him from reading the inside of his eyelids.

The lesson went well. To improve upon it, I would have an Observer Worksheet for my PICs to fill out to give them guidance on providing feedback to the group. I noticed that many of my PICs wanted to participate in the discussion. They were told only to observe and take notes.

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