Saturday, September 10, 2011

Week 3 Day 2: Observing and Writing with Evernote

                                              Taken from Johan Larssen

The Palmetto Writers ventured beyond the classroom today to do their writing. After a brief introduction to Evernote, a free download that allows one to use his or her smart phone to take notes, record observations, take a photo of a subject, and share the link with others.

Check out this tutorial.

Let me showcase what my students did when they went outside and free wrote for a few minutes and then structured their thoughts to write a descriptive paragraph incorporating at least three of the senses, using a simile or a metaphor, and using strong verbs.

Ursula's Flowers

Vinnie's Grass

Kylie's Clouds 

Not all students could figure out how to share the link or get their photo to show with the text. When I do this lesson again, I will have watch a more detailed tutorial on using Evernote. Perhaps I will assign the tutorial for homework.

The timing was right on this activity. It seemed like 40 minutes is enough to do the free write and then the structured descriptive paragraph.

When a solution didn't work for others, they were able to troubleshoot and find other ways to get that assignment done. I was particularly impressed by Anna Marie's persistence in finding a way to share her link. She ended up sharing her whole Evernote notebook, but it worked! 

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