Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Week 10 Day One: Poster Making with Glogster

The Part 2 of our visual rhetoric module consisted of the Palmetto Writers making and analyzing their own social issue poster using Glogster.

If you aren't familiar with this cool interactive poster making tool check out the following video.

The Palmetto Writers had to apply what they learned the previous day about visual rhetoric and make a poster for an FGCU student body audience on texting while driving. The all out winners of this poster making contest were Reid and Nicole A. 

And here is their analysis:

The use of blood spatter in the background and the color red is a powerful tool in presenting an ominous and morbid image. The visual slogan seen at the top is easy to understand, yet very powerful. The video used is a great example of how text messaging while driving is not only a risk to you, but also to innocent pedestrians. Everything in the poster is simple enough for anyone to understand and is also not too overcrowded. The images and text can be easily distinguished.  

Here are some other examples of what was done:

Carly C. and Nicole R.

Our advertisement has an eerie mood because of the blood splattered background and graphic images. Our statistics show real proof that texting and driving is an issue among young people and the facts will scare them into taking the issue seriously. The last written text on the bottom is a little funny because it uses texting  so students can relate. The photo is an actual image from a news channel; therefore, an image of fear is instilled because it is something real. The text above the image is in all capital letters because we want it to catch the viewer's attention and stick in their brain. 

Michaela and Brian 

The mood of the poster is that if you choose to text while driving it will result in fatality or injury. We used scare tactics to show the reader that there will be a lot of blood and tears along with gore. The video shows a careless outing of three teens but when the driver starts to text it results in a car crash that no one gets out unharmed. The media of the poster is scattered to imply that the accident that will result from texting will be chaotic. You won't have your grounding and it will make a mess of people's lives. The images show that there will be damage to your vehicle as well as to the people inside. The bottom line is don't text and drive if you don't want to hurt people.

Carly M. and Mel 

Our texting while driving poster has a dark and frightening mood. The way we created this mood was by using dark images, blood, and pictures referencing death. We designed the poster that way meaningful parts would pop out to the viewers. The relationship between the pictures and written material show the dangers of texting while driving. We used arrows to draw the attention to our main image and also represent the way cars collide into each other. We added a tombstone with a rose, a skull and bones, and different frames to impact the viewers with the idea that texting and driving equals death. We hope that our dark and gloomy poster will scare the viewers from wanting to text and drive!

The Palmetto Writers were given 30 minutes for this task but needed 45. The writing of the analysis paper was rushed.

If I were to do this lesson again, I would have shared the results of the midterm assessment of my instruction at the end of the hour if there was time.

I was disappointed that there wasn't time to do a show and tell.

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