Thursday, October 6, 2011

Week 7 Day Two: Which .... Am I Describing?

Which sunset are we describing? (Bryan and Brittany)

The sunset is high above, shining a bluish green light upon the rough seas. The clouds cut through as they scatter, making rays of hope for all who see. The clouds give shape and for the young imaginative minds of children give form of strange creatures in the sky. The beautiful sunset is one that gives you a happy feeling knowing that the day is ending with the sound of the waves crashing. As you look upon the vast horizon, all you see is the endless blue sea.

Which old house are we describing? (Malorie and Lisa)
Last night, I was on a run through the tall hills, when I came across this old, mysterious house. It was built sometime in the 1920’s. The tornado last night must have really affected this house.  The shingles on the roof were all out of place, loose and falling off. The furniture from the inside of the house was now pushed outside the front door. It looked like maybe the house had caught fire. I was able to see the burnt debris and the peeling walls. This house was in a low income community, that had been vacated for awhile.  As I kept running, there was not another house in sight for three miles. 

Which forest are we describing? (Eric and Conner C.)

The sunlight burst through the limbs of the largely inhabited forest.  With most of the leaves either dead or completely gone, the trees shiver in the wind.  Even with the beams of sunlight, the leaves still don’t shine with its full potential.  But, the sunlight still provides nutrients for the grass growing on the slanted hill.  The trail is full of tree stumps and surprises that lead you to a never-ending adventure.    

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